Tuesday, May 15, 2007

017. thesis defense...

turns out that one of the hardest thing is to manage to get 4 people to be in the same room for 3 hours. but... it's official... my thesis defense date is set for june 11 (10am - 1pm). okie... i think i am going to have a heart attack now. *.*

Thursday, May 10, 2007

016. parallel computing

Parallel computing is the simultaneous execution of the same task (split up and specially adapted) on multiple processors in order to obtain results faster. The idea is based on the fact that the process of solving a problem usually can be divided into smaller tasks, which may be carried out simultaneously with some coordination.

Taken from Wikipedia

As the date of my thesis defense creeps closer and closer each day, I am pretty much operating on parallel computing right now. I am constantly thinking about my thesis, finding a new job, running the class, and other random thoughts. In theory, I should be more efficient with all my tasks. Unfortunately, I think I am running on Windows as my OS, which means that I need a reboot more often because of the constant crashing...

Wow... that was super geeky! Hehe 8-)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

015. june 4..

so that is the date of my thesis defense... yikes!

Friday, May 4, 2007

014. carebears, rainbows, and golf... oh my!

golf and carebears... Fore!
rainbows trailing behind balls
such a trippy dream...


013. grammar

*** feeling very "bloggy" today... so today i will have two entries! :) ***

I know that I don't have the best grammar. I am sure some of you know that my tenses are always all messed up. Yet, I still managed to correct people when I hear bad grammar. I know... I am annoying like that. Anyway, here is the little exchange that I have with the customs officer when I was entering Canada:

Officer: So... why are you coming to Canada today?
Me: My grandmother just passed away so I am here to attend her funeral this afternoon.
O: So that means that you have other relatives, right?
M: Yeah, I have a few uncles and aunts here.
O: This means that your grandmother lives with your uncles or aunts?
M: Well, she passed away already, so yeah, she lived with them when she was alive.

Awkward pause. (At this point, I was thinking, crap, crap, crap, why can't I keep my month shut.)

O: Yeah, that would make sense huh. So she lived with them.
M: Eh.. yeah... I am here for the funeral that's why it's a short trip.

At this point, she prompty stamped my passport and told me to move along.

...yeah... I am pretty obnoxious, huh? :-P